Monday, July 14, 2008

Learning English_英语提高


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Imagine that you're from England, or India, or Hong Kong, and your English is not bad. However, sometimes you feel like you speak a foreign language-because you do! You need to know how to survive in American English, and this will help you do it. This user-friendly guide focuses on the speaking and accent that newcomers to the U.S. really need to know.

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IBT toefl materials

  Pronunciation发音 format size(MB) date-added
1 American Accent Training audio 140 2007-07
2 abc_pronunciary video 70 2007-07
3 李阳_英语音标 video 42 2007-07
4 李阳_美国音标 audio 20 2007-07
5 赖世雄_美国音标 audio 80 2007-07
6 新东方_英语语音速成 software 140 2007-07
7 美式KK音标自然学习法 software 320 2007-07
8 美国英语音标flash video 5 2007-07
  Speaking & listening听说 format size(MB) date-added
1 新东方口语词汇一招鲜-精工版 software 140 2007-07
2 走遍美国video video 1000 2007-07
3 Speak.English.Like.Americans audio 13 2007-07
4 商务英语口语900句 audio 100 2007-07
5 口语句型入门与提高 software 100 2007-07
6 口语大师mp3 software 100 2007-07
7 新东方4+1词汇. video 200 2007-07
8 杜伟 - 通过电影学听说 audio 13 2007-07
9 新东方口语特训 audio 157 2007-07
10 New 900 English Sentences _着迷英语900句 video 300 2007-08
11 social American English_社交美语 video 300 2007-08
12 New Concept English (British accent)_新概念英语英音 audio 300 2007-08
13 New Concept English (American accent)_新概念英语美音 audio 300 2007-08
  Vocabulary词汇 format size(MB) date-added
1 merriam-websters vocabulary builder software 300 2007-07
2 Verbal Advantage audio 360 2007-07
3 刘毅单词3000,5000,10000,22000pdf audio 65 2007-07
4 词以类记 audio 130 2007-07
5 5000 SAT ivy words audio 73 2007-07
6 Not Too Scary Vocabulary audio 160 2007-07
7 1500 word VOA Special English text 1 2007-07
8 新东方Toefl词汇百分百 software 300 2007-07
9 新东方4+1词汇 video 200 2007-07
  Writing写作 format size(MB) date-added
1 writings you should recite 2006 新东方英语背诵文选2006 software 500 2007-07
2 elements of style text 1 2007-07
3 俞敏洪toefl-gre作文 audio 12 2007-07

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